Friday, January 20, 2017

How Do Programmable Thermostats Save Your Money?

With the cost of living higher than ever, people are looking to save money any way they can. There's no doubt that utilities make up a large portion of our bills. It's estimated that half of what we spend on utilities goes to heating and cooling our living space. This makes the programmable thermostat an excellent investment for someone looking to trim their monthly budget.

How much money can you save?

This depends on how advanced the model of your programmable thermostat is. At the very least you'll save 15% with the basic model and 20% with more advanced options. To put those percentages into perspective, you will save between $300-$400 a year by upgrading to a programmable thermostat.

Getting the most out of your programmable thermostat:
  • Make sure your thermostat is in a good location. Make sure it's not in an area of the room where it will get too much sun. Don’t block it with furniture because that will interfere with natural air flow and prevent the thermostat from functioning properly.
  • For maximum efficiency in the cold months, keep your thermostat at 68 degrees when you're awake. You can lower it to your desired temperature for when you are sleeping or away at work. 10-15 degrees lower is recommended.
  • In the warmer seasons keep your air conditioning at 78 degrees. As with the heating, you can program your air conditioning to turn off for the hours that you are not home. You should turn off the air conditioning 30 minutes before you leave the house.


A programmable thermostat is ultimately an investment that will pay for itself in a very short period of time. It solves a number of problems the average person faces with a traditional thermostat.

You forget to turn down the thermostat or air conditioning when they leave the house
  • The programmable thermostat can be adjusted to cool and heat according to your schedule. If you have a Wi-Fi enabled thermostat, then you will be able to access its system remotely from your smartphone, so you can make adjustments even when you are away from home.
  • The traditional thermostat controls the entire house using a lot of energy to heat or cool rooms that are rarely in use.
  • The programmable thermostat will allow you to focus your heating and cooling only to the rooms that are in use.

Aside from saving you money, the programmable thermostat is excellent for the environment. It increases your home’s energy efficiency and reduces harmful emissions. One programmable thermostat manufacturer has already calculated that their customers have diminished their energy usage by 80 million kilowatt hours compared to what they were using before their switch to a programmable thermostat.

So take the first step to maximizing your home’s efficiency and switch to a programmable thermostat. The programming has been streamlined to be easier than ever with a touch screen menu to guide you through the process on many of the newer models. The investment is well worth it. 

You may like also: Best Programmable Thermostat For a Vacation Rental Property

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